05. September 2011 // in der Kategorie Allgemein // 4 Kommentare
Während eines Kurztrips an die Côte D’Azur habe ich natürlich auch Fotos gemacht. Hier gibt’s aber mal nur eine erlesene Auswahl an meinen Best Of – Motorisiertes.
@pohutu, Brad, there are three pix back on my stream of the little junker…here’s the interior, and the other two shots are adjacent in the Photostream.
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Hey, that’s a nice exposure, I can’t tell if its a recent shot or an old one, but the setting is perfect.
Would you believe there’s a 2CV in my back yard here in Panorama City, California? Well, there is!
And where is the photo of the car in your backyard?
Will look great in any vintage magazine.
@pohutu, Brad, there are three pix back on my stream of the little junker…here’s the interior, and the other two shots are adjacent in the Photostream.